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Anna Delvey Net Worth: The True Story Behind the Infamous Heiress

Anna Delvey Net Worth: The True Story Behind the Infamous Heiress

Anna Delvey, born Anna Sorokin, became a household name for all the wrong reasons. Known as the “fake heiress” who conned her way through New York’s high society, her story of deception has captured the public’s imagination. The Netflix series Inventing Anna catapulted her infamy even further, but many still wonder: how much is Anna Delvey actually worth?

Early Life of Anna Delvey

Anna Sorokin was born in Russia in 1991. Her family moved to Germany when she was a teenager, where she lived a relatively modest life. She wasn’t born into wealth, but she always had a fascination with luxury and high society, which would later define her lifestyle as “Anna Delvey.” After attending university in London and working briefly in fashion PR in Paris, she made her way to New York City, ready to reinvent herself.

The Rise of Anna Delvey

Anna’s rise began when she arrived in New York and started claiming to be a wealthy German heiress with a trust fund worth millions. She presented herself as a glamorous socialite, hanging out with the city’s rich and famous. With carefully curated Instagram posts, high-end designer clothes, and an air of mystery, she crafted a persona that people believed without question.

Anna Delvey’s Schemes

Anna Delvey fooled some of the most powerful and wealthy individuals in New York. She stayed in luxury hotels, dined in Michelin-starred restaurants, and attended exclusive parties, all while claiming that her “European bank” was having trouble wiring money. The charade went on for years, as Anna ingratiated herself with art dealers, socialites, and businesspeople who assumed she was just another rich heiress.

Fraudulent Activities

Despite her luxurious lifestyle, Anna wasn’t paying for most of it. She ran up huge bills at several hotels, promising that her trust fund would cover them. She even convinced friends and acquaintances to lend her thousands of dollars, claiming she had forgotten her wallet or that her bank was temporarily unreachable. One of the most infamous stories involves her friend, Rachel DeLoache Williams, who ended up footing a $60,000 bill for a lavish trip to Morocco.

The Arrest and Trial

Eventually, Anna’s lies caught up with her. In 2017, she was arrested on multiple counts of grand larceny and theft of services. During her trial, it was revealed that she had swindled hundreds of thousands of dollars from hotels, banks, and friends. The prosecution painted her as a calculated con artist who preyed on the wealthy and privileged, while her defense argued that she was simply a social climber who got in over her head.

Anna Delvey’s Net Worth Before Her Arrest

At the peak of her con, people believed Anna Delvey had millions. In reality, her “net worth” was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. She lived off loans, credit card debt, and the generosity of her friends. While she may have lived like she was worth millions, her actual financial status was far from stable. Her true net worth at the time was likely close to zero.

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Post-Arrest Financial Status

After her trial, Anna was sentenced to 4 to 12 years in prison and was ordered to pay restitution to her victims. However, her financial situation didn’t improve during her incarceration. With no real wealth to her name, Anna’s net worth remained negligible. In prison, she had little to no income, but her story was gaining traction in the media.

Anna Delvey’s Current Net Worth

Since her release from prison in 2021, Anna Delvey’s net worth is still a topic of curiosity. Though it’s difficult to determine her exact financial situation, it’s clear that her notoriety has opened doors. The Netflix deal for Inventing Anna reportedly earned her around $320,000, though much of that went toward legal fees and restitution.

Income from Netflix’s “Inventing Anna”

Anna Delvey’s story was the inspiration for Netflix’s hit series Inventing Anna. While she was paid for the rights to her story, a significant portion of the money was used to settle her debts and pay back the people she conned. After legal deductions, it’s estimated that she retained only a small fraction of the Netflix earnings.

Social Media and Brand Deals

Anna has leveraged her social media presence to maintain relevance post-incarceration. She’s active on platforms like Instagram, where she shares glimpses of her life and interacts with followers. Some speculate that she could monetize her fame through brand deals or influencer marketing, though this remains to be seen.

Public Reception of Anna Delvey

Despite her criminal past, the public remains fascinated by Anna Delvey. Some view her as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and deception, while others admire her audacity. This ongoing attention means that Anna’s brand—whether we like it or not—still has potential to generate income.

Anna’s Life After Prison

Since her release, Anna has expressed interest in starting her own projects, including a potential fashion line or art-related business. Whether or not these ventures will succeed remains to be seen, but her ambition has not waned. She seems determined to capitalize on her fame.

Is Anna Delvey Still a Con Artist?

Critics question whether Anna has truly reformed. Her behavior and statements suggest that she’s still keen to live a lavish lifestyle, even without the means to afford it. While she insists that she’s changed, skepticism lingers.


Anna Delvey’s story is one of deception, ambition, and the blurred line between truth and fiction. Her rise and fall in New York’s elite circles is a reminder of how easy it can be to manipulate perceptions of wealth. Whether or not she can rebuild her life and create legitimate success remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: her name will continue to be talked about for years to come.


  1. What is Anna Delvey’s net worth now? Anna Delvey’s current net worth is unclear, but it’s estimated to be relatively low, with most of her earnings from Netflix going toward legal fees and restitution.
  2. How did Anna Delvey make her money? Anna made her money primarily by conning hotels, banks, and individuals. She lived off loans, unpaid bills, and money borrowed from friends.
  3. What happened to Anna Delvey after prison? Anna was released from prison in 2021 and has since attempted to rebuild her life, with potential projects in fashion and art.
  4. Did Anna Delvey get money from Netflix? Yes, she reportedly earned around $320,000 from Netflix, though most of it was used to pay her debts and legal fees.
  5. Is Anna Delvey still in the spotlight today? Yes, Anna maintains a social media presence and continues to be a subject of public interest.

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